Group Leader Checklist

When attending summer camp each church must complete and bring: Sponsor Documentation Form which must be signed by church pastor or official representative who is not coming to camp, verifying each sponsor has:

  • passed a Criminal Background Check

  • passed a Sex Offender Search

  • passed the Child Protective Training (a certificate will be emailed to the sponsor within 2 business days upon completion).

  • received and read the Sponsor Handbook and Camp Rules

Step 1. Register

If you are attending an event planned by Alto Frio, make sure that you have filled out the church registration form for the appropriate camp or the group registration form for the appropriate retreat. Registration will not be complete until the specified deposit has also been paid for each individual.

Step 2. Medical / Dietary Forms

Make sure each person attending camp completes the Medical Form, which registers them for camp. A copy of these forms will be sent to the email address specified in the church/group registration from Step 1. If a camper begins medications after filling out the medical form, a new medical release form must be submitted. Every time a camper registration is processed, an updated summary and invoice will be sent to the group contact email address.

Step 3. Medications

If attending Alto Frio over the summer, collect all camper medications to turn into camp nurse upon arrival (for Summer Camps). All medications MUST be in original prescription bottles with camper names.

Step 4. Final Payment

Make sure all invoices are paid as indicated by contract or invoice.